Is Your Child Thriving Academically? Find Out with This Quick Quiz!
Discover if your child is thriving academically—take this quick, no-obligation quiz for personalized insights and recommendations!
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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
How does your child feel about school?
Select One
First Loves it and looks forward to it every day.
Likes it but struggles in certain subjects.
Seems indifferent or unmotivated.
Dislikes school and finds it stressful.
How does your child usually perform on tests and a
Select One
Consistently achieves top marks.
Does well but struggles with certain topics.
Grades vary widely.
Frequently performs below expectations.
Does your child ask for help with homework?
Select One
Rarely or never.
Occasionally, but only for challenging assignments.
Frequently, but doesn’t seem to grasp explanations.
Often avoids or gives up on homework altogether.
How would you describe your child's time managemen
Select One
Excellent; they manage their time independently.
Decent, but sometimes needs reminders.
Struggles to stay organized and meet deadlines.
Poor; procrastinates or forgets important tasks.
How confident is your child in their academic abil
Select One
Very confident and self-assured.
Somewhat confident, but there are doubts in specific subjects.
Lacks confidence and often expresses frustration.
Avoids discussing school or feels defeated.
Does your child participate actively in class?
Select One
Always engages and contributes to discussions.
Participates occasionally but hesitates in tough subjects.
Rarely contributes or seems disengaged.
Avoids participating or seems anxious.
What are your child's academic goals?
Select One
Excelling in school and preparing for advanced opportunities.
Improving performance in challenging areas.
Finding ways to stay motivated and organized.
Overcoming major academic struggles and building confidence.